Competition And Fair Dealing

All Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates are obligated to deal fairly with each other, the Company's Associates and with the Company's customers, suppliers, competitors and other third parties.

Relationships with Customers

The Company's business success depends upon its ability to foster lasting customer relationships. The Company is committed to dealing with customers fairly, honestly, and with integrity. Specially, the following guidelines should be kept in mind when dealing with customers:

  • Information supplied to customers should be accurate and complete to the best of knowledge. Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates should not deliberately misrepresent information to customers.
  • Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates should not refuse to sell, service, or maintain products the company has produced simply because a customer is buying products from another supplier.
  • Customer entertainment should not exceed reasonable and customary business practice. Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates should not provide entertainment for other benefits that could be viewed as an inducement to or a reward for customer purchase decisions. Please see "Gifts" above for additional guidelines in this area.

Relationships with Suppliers

The company deals fairly and honestly with its suppliers. This means that our relationship with suppliers are based on price, quality, service and reputation. Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates dealing with suppliers should carefully guard their objectivity. Specifically, no Director or Associate should accept or solicit any personal benefit from a supplier or potential supplier that might compromise, or appear to compromise, their objective assessment of the supplier's products and prices. Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates can give or accept promotional items of nominal value or moderately scaled entertainment within the limits of responsible and customary business practice. Please see "Gifts" above for additional guidelines in this area.

Relationships with Competitors

The Company is committed to free and open competition in the market place. Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates should avoid actions that could reasonably be construed as being anti-competitive, monopolistic, or otherwise contrary to laws governing competitive practices in the market place, including antitrust laws. Such actions include misappropriation and/or misuse of a competitor's business and business practices.

Relationship within the organisation

  • Company has to set standard for employees to act in accordance with the highest standards of personal and professional integrity, honesty and ethical conduct always.
  • Directors, Managers, Officers, and Associates should not take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misinterpretation or any other unfair dealing or practice. They should not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, nationality, caste and creed.
  • Employees must be objective oriented and should not practice any kind of criticism about colleagues. They should demonstrate respect for each other, energy, enthusiasm, courage to lead and team spirit. Communication should be open and honest.
  • Executives are expected to devote their full attention and time to the business interests of the Company. Disciplinary behaviour should be reflected in their punctuality and dress code.